I've never read/ seen LOTR, but this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Make more!!!
I've never read/ seen LOTR, but this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Make more!!!
Has anyone mentioned that he ripped off the "thumb up it's ass" joke from South Park? he just changed thumb to finger and ass to anus.
Muck, you were bad. Go back to HELL!!!
Loved it. Team Rocket finally figures out that they can just fight the people, and skip the pokemon battles. Ash sounded like Michael Jackson. loved how you made fun of the fact that he gives his best pokemon away to random people. Great Flash!
righto, glad you liked it
It was okay
I just hated the voices so much! Awful voices! And why did half the characters look hispanic? Like the Dursleys? Well anyway, it was good. I like alot of your flashes. You just have an odd drawing style that's hard on the eyes.
Voices so bad?
Yeah i know the graphics are hard to get used to, sorry.
Hispanic? WTF?
I haven't laughed this much in a while
As ugly as the cat was, he was frick'n awesome. Loved the animation when he shudders in disgust. Keep it up, this shit rocks. 10/10
C-3PO: "You silly goose!"
I loved this very much. Especially those little subtle moments in the standoff between Ben and the stormtrooper. Great flash, don't listen to the assclowns that gave you a zero.
loved the dancing smurf
I may be a republican, but i still hate Bush.
except for the guy ass ramming the alien, this was some pretty entertaining stuff.
that has to be the single best animation of a penis I have ever seen
Joined on 6/1/06